VNR Sudha F1 Hybrid Okra Seeds
First Harvest: 50-55 days
Sowing Distance Between Rows & Ridges: 1.5-2 feet
Sowing Distance Between Plants: 0.6-0.8 inches
Color: Dark Green
Fruit Shape: Medium-long, uniform in shape and size
Fruit Size (Length): 9-10 cm
Fruit Size (Width): 1.5-1.6 cm
Fruit Weight: 10-12 grams
Plant Type: Vigorous with secondary branching for higher fruiting
Maturity Time: 50-55 days after sowing for the first harvest.
Harvesting (Yield per Acre): High yield potential; results may vary depending on farming practices and conditions.
Seed Rate: 2-2.5 kg per acre.
Encourages more fruit production, ensuring greater yield.
The fruits are tender, dark green, and uniform, making them highly marketable.
Designed for easy harvest, improving efficiency and reducing labor costs.
Resistant to ELCV and YVMV, ensuring better crop health and yield even in challenging conditions.
Offers abundant yields under optimal cultivation conditions.
Pickup Address: sardulgarh, PUNJAB, 151507
corporate centre, canal road crossing , ring road 1 , raipur, Chhattisgarh 492006
Address of origin: corporate centre, canal road crossing , ring road 1 , raipur, Chhattisgarh 492006